
The Master Erasmus Mundus TPTI is supported by an international network of partners promoting exchanges between higher education and the business world. These associate members include universities, cultural institutions and cultural professionals. Their contributions to the TPTI program take different forms: transfer of knowledge and skills, participation in complementary courses, hosting field visits, support for professional training and internships, communications surrounding the various programs connected with TPTI, and joint project development.



Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico



The National Autonomous University of Mexico is the second oldest public university in America after Santo Domingo University. Throughout its history, especially during the first seven decades of the twentieth century, it forms ...

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Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


The Federal Technological University of Paraná, Brazil, is the first university in the state of Paraná. It began operations in 2005, after a hundred years' experience as a school of technical ...

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Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


UFMG was created by the merger of public faculties in September 1927 and is one of the most important research and teaching institutions in the state of Minas Gerais and in Latin America ...

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Université de Ouagadougou


The Joseph KI-ZERBO University of Ouagadougou/Burkina Faso is the oldest and largest of the universities in Burkina Faso. Born following the cooperation agreement signed in Paris on April 24, 1961 between Upper Volta and France ...

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Sapienza Università di Roma


Founded in 1303, Sapienza is the oldest university in Rome and the largest in Europe, and a top performer in international university rankings ...

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Shanghai Normal University


Founded in 1954, SHNU boasts 11 disciplines from 19 colleges, more than 20, 000 undergraduates, 8, 000 postgraduates and over 1,100 overseas students. Until this year, SHNU has 9 first-degree disciplines of doctoral candidates ...

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Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


The Autonomous University of Puebla, known as Benemérita, whose roots date back to the 16th century, is a major pillar of higher education and scientific research in Mexico, especially in the south-central region ...

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State University of Bangladesh



Founded in 2002 with a modest offering of a few fields related to health sciences, Bangladesh University has grown to host 10 faculties that cover a range of fields from liberal arts to technical fields and business studies ...

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Tianjin University 


Tianjin University is a key national university directly under the Ministry of Education. It was originally called Beiyang University. Founded on October 2, 1895, it is the first modern university in China recognised in the world ...

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Cultural Institutions


Museu de Portimao

The Museu de Portimao (Portugal) , which opened in 2008, is a « Museum of Society, Identity and Territory ». It has earned  the role of being the museum of the city of Portimão and has also become a center with several functions of training, service delivery as well as scientific and cultural activities ...

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Musée des Arts et Métiers 

The Musée des Arts et Métiers can be considered as one of the oldest technical and industrial museums in the world ...

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Musée National de la Marine

The Musée National de la Marine is a public administrative institution under the supervision of the Ministry of the Army. It consists of six sites open to the public and a conversation and resource center ...

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Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac

As of his election to the presidency of the Republic, Jacques Chirac undertakes a reflection on the valorization and the recognition of the non Western arts ...

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Museo dell'Industria e del Lavoro

Museum of Industry and Labour of Brescia includes three site : the Museum of Industry and Labour, in Franciacorta, a storage open to the public including an exhibition dedicated to cinema and cartoons ...

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Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci

The Museum was inaugurated in Milan in 1953 as the place where citizens could find evidence and understanding of how Italy was transforming into an industrial country. Today, it is the largest science and technology museum in Italy ...

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Bergbau Museum 

The Deutsches Bergbau - Museum Bochum, founded in 1930, as the Leibniz Research Museum for Geo-resources, committed to the mission of collecting, preserving, researching, exhibiting and communicating the material heritage of mining industry ...

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Stichting European Museum Academy

The Stichting European Museum Academy, registered as a non-profit foundation in the Netherlands, was founded by a group of professionals active in the fields of museums and protecting cultural heritage on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the loss of museologist Kenneth Hudson (1916-1999) ...

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Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Archeologico Industriale

The AIPAI Association (Italia), founded in 1997 in Italy, aims to promote and carry out several activities, including awareness of the historical and cultural values of industrial archaeological heritage, architecture connected to this heritage, the environment ...

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Fondazione Dalmine

The Dalmine Foundation was founded in 1999 on the initiative of Tenaris Dalmine with the aim of promoting industrial culture by enhancing the history of a steel company that has been rooted in the region for more than a century ...

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Centro de Estudos de Cultura, Historia, Artes e Patrimonios

CECHAP (Center for Studies, History, Arts and Heritage) is a non-profit cultural association, established in 2011, with headquarters in Vila Viçosa in Portugal. Its mission is to decentralize the cultural studies ...

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Sociedade Portuguesa de Estudos de Historia da Construção 

The Portuguese society for the study of history of construction, is a non-profit association with scientific interests, created with the aim of promoting and disseminating studies on the history of construction and of building cultures ...

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Cultural Professionals 



eMundus in France is a web programming management company, promoting training programs, publishing content and helping institutions to navigate their digital mediation. It is working on deployment: after analysing wishes and constraints ...

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Mémoire et Patrimoine 

For 25 years, MEMOIRE ET PATRIMOINE has been offering local authorities educational exhibitions and mediation tools in the field of cultural heritage. MEMOIRE ET PATRIMOINE regularly participates in European projects ...

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