Webminar 2024-2025

Pollution/depollution of industrial sites

Industrial pollution has been accompanying landscapes and industrial, technical, and scientific remains since the very beginning of large-scale exploitation systems of natural resources. From the waste dumps of the first mining operations in the protohistoric era or those related to the great classical civilizations (such as the waste dumps of Roman gold mines, for example) to the waste of contemporary ferrous or coal mining operations, their imprint on landscapes and their toxic, harmful, or dangerous effects on human communities are an embarrassing proof of industrial or scientific and technical activity. This new cycle of WEBMINAR proposes to organize a series of meetings around the physical evidence and documentation of this type of consequences of industrial deployment, as well as their monitoring and development over time. At the same time, in a context of increasing abandonment of outdated industrial equipment and remains, the correct and socially sustainable management of this heritage that accompanies post-industrial areas poses many problems regarding the decontamination of these sites, thus opening a wide chapter of new legislative devices, new expert opinions, and reports on pollution in certain places, or increasingly viable companies specifically dedicated to the decontamination of industrial sites.




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