Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is the second oldest public university in the Americas after Santo Domingo. Throughout its history, especially during the first seven decades of the 20th century, it has trained the main influential people in the world of politics, writers, scientists, engineers and philosophers who have contributed to the construction of the country.
The UNAM is the largest university in Latin America, occupying the first position between the universities of Spain, Portugal and Latin America according to The London Times. Another study by Peking University considers the UNAM to be the best university in its region and in the entire Spanish-speaking world.
Today, the main issue for the UNAM is its reform. Keeping its public and free character and eliminating the heavy administrative burden that has become embedded in its institutions are its priorities.

Contact Person
Sergio Niccolai
Grade: Researcher
Institution: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Expertise: economic history ; industrial archaeology and heritage ; history of science and technology
Latest publications:
- NICOLAI Sergio, "Entre lo bello y lo útil. Aproximaciones iconográficas a la historia de la economía, de la ciencia y de la técnica", CEIICH/UNAM, CEH/COLMEX and DISSGEA/UNIPD, 2021.
- PAZ RAMOS LARA Maria (de la), NICOLAI Sergio, "Hacia un diálogo interdisciplinario sobre la complejidad social", Mexico City, CEIICH/UNAM, 2020.
- NICOLAI Sergio, "Introductory Reflections, hacia un diálogo interdisciplinario sobre la complejidad social", Mexico City, CEIICH/UNAM, 2020, p. 9-31.