Fondazione Dalmine
The Dalmine Foundation was founded in 1999 on the initiative of Tenaris Dalmine with the aim of promoting industrial culture by valorizing the history of a steel company that has been rooted in the region for more than a century and is now part of a global company, Tenaris. Preserving the company's historical archives, facilitating access to them, conducting studies and research in the fields of business history and economic and social history, disseminating the results through exhibitions and events, organizing seminars and training sessions: these are the lines of a cultural project aimed at academics, the world of university research, schools, but also at a wider public.

Contact Person
Carolina LUSSANA
Grade: In charge of the valorization of the history and the industrial culture
Institution: Fondation Dalmine
Expertise: history of companies, industrial associations and entrepreneurs; industrial heritage
Latest publications:
- BONFIGLIO-DOSIO Giorgetta, LUSSANA Carolina, NARDI Lucia, Archivi d'impresa. Archivisti, storici, heritage manager di fronte al cambiamento, ANAI, 2020.
- LUSSANA Carolina, "Gli archivi industriali come fonte per lo studio delle dinamiche demografiche del Novecento Il caso di Tenaris Dalmine", Alessio FORNASIN, Claudio LORENZINI, Per una storia della popolazione italiana nel Novecento, Udine, Forum, 2017.
- LUSSANA Carolina, "Fonti e spunti di ricerca dall'archivio della Fondazione Dalmine", Sara MARINI, Vincenza SANTANGELO, Gli Uffici Tecnici delle grandi aziende italiane. Progetti di esportazione di un fare collettivo, Il Poligrafo, 2014.
- LUSSANA Carolina, Dalmine dall'Archivio fotografico: lo Studio Da Re, Dalmine, Fondazione Dalmine, 2012.