Matériaux, formes et usages (XVIe-XXe siècle)

11e workshop international TPTI
septembre 2019, Paris

workshop 2019



This workshop aimed to explore the relationship between materials, forms and uses. How do materials take shape, and how do users enter into this process? From a methodological point of view, how can we link the study of fabrication to that of uses and ways of seeing? How can we embrace the production and reception of artefacts? For example, can we examine stone from the point of view of its production chain, from quarry to installation, but also through the eyes of craftsmen, artists, clients and society?
Through these questions, this workshop confronted the approaches developed in the fields of science and technology with those of specialists in art and architecture.
Papers were presented in the form of case studies devoted to a material (craft, industrial, "intelligent" or other), and covered such topics as: a controversy surrounding the choice of a particular material; the language and arguments used to describe a material; the memory of materials (e.g. the persistence of the form attached to a material in another material); the genesis of a material, taking into account the interactions between the designer and the human, natural or technical environment; the aging of materials. Anticipation and maintenance; the circulation of materials; the reuse of a material; the patrimonialization of materials; new issues linked to sustainability.





Présentation et inauguration. Valérie Nègre (Professeur, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

- Making the perfect cork stopper for the Champagne wine sector. The evolution of the Portuguese cork industry. Ignacio Garcia Pereda (Chercheur, FCUL-CIUHCT/CIDEHUS-Université d'Evora-Universidad de Extremadura), Ana Cardoso de Matos (Professeur, CIDEHUS-Université d’Evora).

- Les tissus d'étanchéité des bâteaux gallo-romains (Ier-IIIe siècles). Laure Meunier (Restauratrice et chef de projet dans le laboratoire ARC Nucléart, Grenoble).

- La toile, support fragile de l'image et trace historique. Tatiana Ullois (Conservatrice-Restauratrice de peinture).

- La soie, un patrimoine agricole à (re)découvrir. Le cas italien. Silvia Tardella (Doctorante, UNIPVM-Università Politecnica delle Marche).

- Les fonctionnalités des cornes d'animaux dans les sociétés du Nord-Cameroun : entre tradition et modernité. François Wassouni (Maître de conférences, Université de Maroua).

- Du bois au polyester, une évolution des techniques et savoir-faire dans la construction des bâteaux de pêche en Bretagne. Vers une patrimonialisation des techniques et savoir-faire traditionnels du bois. Amandine Leporce (Masterante, promotion 12 Erasmus Mundus TPTI).

- Film documentaire. La fonderie artisanale d'aluminium : un savoir-faire méconnu pour un produit populaire dans la région de Dakar. Magueye Thioub (Doctorant, CETCOPRA-Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).




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