Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais
The UFMG was created by the merger of public faculties in September 1927 and is one of the most important research and teaching institutions in the state of Minas Gerais and in Latin America. According to the Time Higher Education ranking, UFMG is the third best university in Brazil and the fifth best university in Latin America. It has more than 40,000 students and about 3,000 teachers.
The partnership with EMJM TPTI dates back to 2010. It has led to various collaborations including the hosting of students and researchers.

Contact Person
Silvania Sousa do Nascimento
Grade: Professor, physicist
Institution: Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais
Expertise: museology ; sciences of education and heritage
Latest publications:
- DO NASCIMENTO Silvania Sousa, "Thinking and acting 'outside the box : digital game and production of pedagogical affections in teacher training", Ciênc. Educ (Bauru) 27, 2021.
- DO NASCIMENTO Silvania Sousa, "A educação no entre lugar museu e escola : um estudo das visitas escolares ao Museu Histórico Abílio Barreto", Educação, 2016.
- DO NASCIMENTO Silvania Sousa, "Best education patrices : an umbrella term to talk about a brazilian academic discipline", Creative education, vol.6 N°20, 2015.