Musée National de la Marine
The Musée national de la Marine is a public administrative institution under the supervision of the Ministry of the Army. It consists of six sites open to the public and a conservation and resource center. The establishment is at the same time a museum of art and history, science and technology, human adventure and popular traditions. It is a center of maritime culture open to all and its vocation is to be a showcase and heritage conservatory for all seas. It also aims to make the public aware of the challenges of the sea today and tomorrow, through the development of its heritage. The museum's mission is to ensure the conservation, presentation, enrichment and growth of its collections in all areas of the navy, particularly those of the national navy, the merchant navy, fishing, oceanographic research, water sports and yachting. It may also organize or assist in the organization of any exhibition or event likely to maintain and develop a taste for maritime history.
The Musée National de la Marine is located in Paris, but also on the Atlantic coast, in Brest, Port-Louis and Rochefort - in two locations - and on the Mediterranean coast in Toulon. This presence on six sites, as well as its conservation and resource center in Dugny, allows it to maintain strong links with local maritime cultures and to promote an active exhibition policy.

Contact Person
Eric Rieth
Grade: Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS
Institution: LAMOP (UMR 8589 Université Paris 1-CNRS)
Expertise: medieval and modern nautical archaeology (maritime and river environments); medieval and modern shipbuilding archaeology; nautical ethnography
Latest publications:
- RIETH Eric, Pour une histoire de l'archéologie navale. Les bateaux et l'histoire, Paris, Editions Classiques Garnier, Paris, 2019.
- RIETH Eric, Navires et construction navale au Moyen Age. Archéologie nautique de la Baltique à la Méditerranée, Paris, Editions Picard, 2016.
- BARKAOUI Abdelhamid, RIETH Eric, Histoire et mémoire de la construction navale vernaculaire aux îles Kerkenna, Tunisie, Sfax, Medi Ali Editions, 2014 ; édition en arabe, Sfax, Medi Ali Editions, 2014.
- RIETH Eric (dir.), L’épave de la première moitié du XVe siècle de la Canche à Beutin (Pas-de-Calais). Archéologie nautique d’un caboteur fluvio-maritime et d’un territoire fluvial, Lille, Revue du Nord, Hors Série. Collection Art et Archéologie, 20, 2013.