Teachers of University of Evora


Ana Cardoso de Matos


Maria Ana Bernardo


Fernando Branco Correia


Aurora Carapinha


Antonia Fialho Conde


Paulo Eduardo Guimaraes


Rute Sousa Matos



Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora, IIFA - Institut de Recherche et Formation Avancée (École doctorale) / École de Sciences Sociales-Département d’Histoire. Centre de Recherches CIDEHUS – Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Histoire, Cultures et Sociétés
Expertise: History of the Civil engineering ; landscapes of the technical innovation ; technical and industrial history and heritage ; technical education in particular in Civil engineering ; mobility of the experts, technology transfer and appropriation (XIX
e-XXe) ; history of gas and electricity ; urban history ; universal exhibitions.

Latest publications:
- CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, SARAIVA Tiago, "Technological Nocturne: The Lisbon Industrial Institute and Romantic Engineering (1849–1888)", Technology and Culture, Volume 58, Number 2, April 2017, published by Johns Hopkins University, p. 422-458
- CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, « La gare du Rossio à Lisbonne (1890). Porte d’entrée de la modernité, au seuil de la tradition », HAOUDY K., SIRJACOBS I., Une architecture nomade. Les gares belges en métal à travers le monde, Liège, E. de la Province de Liège, p. 155-169.
- CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, « Formation, carrière et montée en puissance des ingénieurs électriciens au Portugal (de la fin du XIX
e siècle aux années 1930) », EFMERTOVA M., GRELON A. (dir.), Des ingénieurs pour un monde nouveau. Histoire des enseignements électrotechniques (Europe, Amériques, XIXe-XXe siècle), Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2016, p. 381-406.
- CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, « Un regard pluriel sur le patrimoine de l’ingénierie : savoir technique, aménagement du territoire et mutation du paysage », CARDOSO DE MATOS A., FONTANA G. L., GARCON A.-F. (coord.), L’ingénieur et le patrimoine. Savoirs techniques, aménagement du territoire et mutation du paysage, Belford, Pôle Éditorial de L'UTBM, 2016, p. 5-13.



Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora, Département d’Histoire, CIDEHUS.UÉ
Expertise: Urban history and heritage ; history of the tourism.

Latest publications:
- BERNARDO Maria Ana, CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, "Tourist promotion of Portugal and the Arts in the IberoAmerican Exhibition of Seville of 1929", BELLI G., CAPANO F., PASCARIELLO M. I. (eds), The city, The travel, the Tourism Perception, Production and Processing, Napoli,  CIRISE (Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sull’Iconografia della Città Europea Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), 2017.
- BERNARDO Maria Ana, CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, GAMEIRO Fernando, ZOZAYA Maria (2014), "Os dias na cidade", Carmen ALMEIDA (ed), Os Eborenses. Retratos de Eduardo Nogueira, Évora, Câmara Municipal de Évora, 2017, p. 35-49.
- BERNARDO Maria Ana, CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, "Os Guias de Viagem e a valorização do Alentejo como espaço de turismo, lazer e cultura (1880-1930)", PINTO CORREIA T., HENRIQUES V., RUI P. J., IX Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa. Geografia Espaço Natureza Sociedade e Ciência, Universidade de Évora e Associação Portuguesa de Geógrafos, 2013, p. 189-194.
- BERNARDO Maria Ana, Sociedade e Elites no Concelho de Évora. Permanência e mudança (1890-1930), Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, 2013 (Col. Textos Universitários de Ciências Sociais e Humanas).



Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora
Expertise : History of Islam, Islamic Heritage; medieval history.

Latest publications :
- CORREIA Fernando Branco, "A dinastia omiada e a desarticulacao da Lusitania", Arqueologia Medieval, n°14, Ed. Afrontamento, 2018, p. 43-50.
- CORREIA Fernando Branco, "El infante 'Santo'", PAEZ Jeronimo (Ed.), Fez, el alma de Marruecos - doce siglos de historia, Fondation Benjelloun Mezian / Ed. Almed Granada, 2018, p. 194-198.
- CORREIA Fernando Branco, "Southern Portugal - an Architectural Heritage with strong Islamic influence", International Journal of Heritage Architecture, vol. 1, Issue 4, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, 2017, p. 640-653.
- CORREIA Fernando Branco, "VIKINGS NO OCIDENTE DO AL-ANDALUS, Alguns topicos em redor do impacto da sua chegada na costa proxima do Tejo - Vikings in the west of al-Andalus. Some topics surrounding the impact of their arrival at the coast near the Tagus", SCIELO - Historia (Sao Paulo), v. 35 (2016), 2017, p. 1-24.



Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora, Département du Paysage, Environnement et Aménagement, CHAIA – Centre d’Histoire de l’Art et Investigation Artistique   
Expertise: Theory of landscapind and landscape gardening.

Latest publications:
- CARAPINHA Aurora, "Sucursal do Paraíso: Libro del principio de la belleza y fin de la sabidúria que trata de los fundamentos da arte de la agricultura, de Ibn Luyun", Uma História de Jardins - A Arte dos Jardins na Tratadística e na Literatura, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal e Caleidoscópio, CHAIA, 2016, p. 4-60.
- CARAPINHA Aurora, "The Creation of an Urban Landscape", Adaptive reuse, the modern movement toward the future, 14th international conference proceedings, Do_co.mo.mo international, Lisboa (indexed by SCOPUS), 2016.
- CARAPINHA Aurora, "Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian O Projecto de Recuperação – Retomar o Futuro", NUNES DA PONTE T. (coord.), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Edifícios e Jardim - Renovação 1998-2014, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2015, p. 25-33.
- CARAPINHA Aurora, "Jardim", NUNES DA PONTE T. (coord.), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Edifícios e Jardim - Renovação 1998-2014, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2015, p. 159-199.



Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora - Département d’Histoire. Centre de Recherches : CIDEHUS -
 Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Histoire, Cultures et Sociétés de l’Université d’Évora et CEHR – Centre d’Études d’Histoire Religieuse de l’Université Catholique Portugaise
Expertise: Religious history and  female monasticism (modern age) ; material heritage and culture, documentary heritage, everyday life and material culture ; military engineering and architecture (modern age).

Latest publications:
- CONDE FIALHO Antónia, DIAS Cristina, FERREIRA Teresa, CID Isabel, MIGUEL Catarina (coord.), Lux Anima. As Iluminuras na Biblioteca de Évora, Lisboa, Ed. Althum, julho 2017.
- CONDE FIALHO Antónia, LALANDA Margarida Sá Nogueira, "A ação disciplinadora de Trento no quotidiano monástico feminino do mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris", FONTES
J. L., ANDRADE M. F., PIRES MARQUES T. (coord.), Género e interioridade na vida religiosa: conceitos, contextos e práticas, Lisboa, CEHR-UCP, 2017, p. 121-138.
- CONDE FIALHO Antónia, GOUVEIA António Camões (dir.), Do Espírito do Lugar - Música, Estética, Silêncio, Espaço, Luz I e II Residências Cistercienses de São Bento de Cástris (2013, 2014), Publicações do CIDEHUS, Serie Biblioteca - Estudos & Colóquios | Série e-books, Évora, 2016. Published on OpenEdition Books, 13 September 2016 .
- CONDE FIALHO Antónia, « Artistic manifestations as a mean of connection to the world outside the cloister: mural paintings in the Monastery of São Bento de Cástris », E-Conservation Journal - University of Evora, Volume 4.


Paulo Eduardo GUIMARÃES

Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora, Département d’Histoire et Centre de Recherche en Science Politique (CICP, Portugal)
Expertise: European social history (XVIIIème-XXème centuries) ; industrial history and business history ; technologies and socio-environmental transformations in the mining and metallurgical industry.

Latest publications:
- GUIMARÃES Paulo Eduardo, "Conflitos ambientais e progresso técnico na indústria mineira em Portugal (1858-1938)", CEM/Cultura, Espaço & Memória. - Porto: CITCEM/Edições Afrontamento, nº 7, 2016.
- GUIMARÃES Paulo Eduardo, AMORIM I., "A História Ambiental em Portugal: A emergência de um novo campo historiográfico", Areas. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales (35), 2016.
- GUIMARÃES Paulo Eduardo, PEREZ CEBADA Juan D. (eds), Conflitos Ambientais na Indústria Mineira e Metalúrgica: o passado e o presente, Rio de Janeiro, Évora: Centro de Tecnologia Mineral (Brasil); CICP (Portugal), 2016.
- GUIMARÃES Paulo Eduardo, PEREZ CEBADA Juan D., "Aguas da morte: la contaminación de las aguas en las cuencas mineras de la península ibérica", Revista de Historia Industrial, N.º 69. Año XXVI, 2017, Monográfico 4.



Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora, Département du paysage, de l’environnement et de l’aménagement, CHAIA -  Centre d'Histoire de l'Art et Investigation Artistique
Expertise: Arts and techniques of the landscape, multifunctionality of landscape in urban space ; identity and landscape in emerging countries ; complementarity between the city and the countryside ; urban gardens ; new realities and urban challenges.

Latest publications:
- SOUSA MATOS Rute, CALHAU R., LISBOA A., "Greenways – an alternative mobility structure and an urban development strategy", MOKRYS M., BADURA S. (eds), Proceedings of the Virtual Conference Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference – The 3rd Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference, HASSAC 2015, EDIS - Publishing (University of Zilina, Slovak Republic), 2015, p. 213-218.
- SOUSA MATOS Rute, PLIZ A., « The Integration and Reclamation of Quarries », MOKRYS M., BADURA S., LIESKOVSKY A. (eds),  Proceedings of the Virtual Conference Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference – The 4th Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference, HASSAC 2016, EDIS - Publishing (University of Zilina, Slovak Republic), 2016.
- SOUSA MATOS Rute, SIMOES P., « Holistic approach in Integrated Landscape Design. - Case Study for Montalvão Urban Park at Castelo Branco – Portugal », MOKRYS M., BADURA S., LIESKOVSKY A. (eds), Proceedings of the 4th International Virtual Conference (SCIECONF 2017), EDIS - Publishing (University of Zilina, Slovak Republic), 2017.
- SOUSA MATOS Rute, SIMOES P., « Contemporary landscapes: A case study of Rabaçal Castle – Penela – Portugal », MOKRYS M., BADURA S., LIESKOVSKY A. (eds), Proceedings of the Virtual Conference Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference – The 5th Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference, HASSAC 2017, EDIS - Publishing (University of Zilina, Slovak Republic), 2017.



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