Teachers of University of Evora

Ana Cardoso de Matos

Maria Ana Bernardo

Fernando Branco Correia

Aurora Carapinha

Antonia Fialho Conde

Maria da Luz Sampaio

Paula Maria Simoes

Rute Sousa Matos

Grade: Professor (HDR)
Institution: Universidade de Évora, IIFA - Institut de Recherche et Formation Avancée (École doctorale) / École de Sciences Sociales-Département d’Histoire. Centre de Recherches CIDEHUS – Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Histoire, Cultures et Sociétés
Expertise: History of civil engineering; landscapes of technical innovation; technical and industrial history and heritage; technical education particularly civil engineering; mobility of experts, transfer and appropriation of technology (19th-20th); history of gas and electricity; urban history; universal exhibitions.
Latest publications:
- CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, FERNANDEZ Alexandre, PINTO TORTOSA Antonio Jésús, Gas Sector in Latin Europe's Industrial History : Lighting and Heating the Word, New York, Springer, 2023.
- MATÉS-BARCO Juan-Manuel, CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, BERNARDO Maria Ana, Control y usos del agua en la península ibérica: perspectivas diversificadas a largo plazo, Espanha, Silex, 2023.
- CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, SOBRINO SIMA Julián (dir.), Património Industrial Ibero Americano: abordagens diversificadas, Nueva edición [en línea], Évora, Open edición, Cidehus, 2023.
- BERNARDO Maria Ana, CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, "Between Private and Public: Water Supply Infrastructures in Portugal in the First Half of the Twentieth Century”, dans Juan Manuel MATÉS-BARCO, María VAZQUEZ-FARINAS, Ecological Crisis and Water Supply. The Case of Andalusia in the Spanish Hydrological Context, Brill's Series in the History of the Environment, Volume 6, 2023, p. 35-59.

Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora / École de Sciences Sociales-Département d’Histoire. Centre de Recherches CIDEHUS – Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Histoire, Cultures et Sociétés
Expertise: History and urban heritage; history of tourism; history of associations and of sociability.
Latest publications:
- BERNARDO Maria Ana, CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, "Between Private and Public: Water Supply Infrastructures in Portugal in the First Half of the Twentieth Century”, dans Juan Manuel MATÉS-BARCO, María VAZQUEZ-FARINAS Vázquez-Fariñas, Ecological Crisis and Water Supply. The Case of Andalusia in the Spanish Hydrological Context, Brill's Series in the History of the Environment, Volume 6, 2023, p. 35-59.
- BERNARDO Maria Ana, "As Sociedades Agrícolas Distritais e a Construção do Estado Liberal no Portugal de Oitocentos", dans Fernando MARTINS, Maria Ana BERNARDO, Paulo E. GUIMARAES (coord.), Entre África e Europa. Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Helder Adegar Fonseca, Húmus, V.N. de Famalicão, 2022, p. 378-406.
- BERNARDO Maria Ana, "Dos recenseamentos eleitorais como recurso para a história política e social. Uma análise a partir do seu contexto de produção (1890-1930)", História Revista da FLUP, Porto, 2019, IV Série. Vol. 9 nº 2. 2019, p. 87-103.
- BERNARDO Maria Ana, "A questão da eletrificação urbana no debate político em Portugal: uma reflexão a partir dos debates parlamentares da primeira metade do século XX", dans Horacio CAPEL, Miriam ZAAR (eds.), La electricidad y la transformación de la vida urbana y social, Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona/Geocrítica, 2019, p. 566-580.

Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora - Département d'Histoire. Centre de recherche CIDEHUS - Centre Interdisciplinaire d'Histoire, Cultures et Sociétés de l'Université d'Évora
Expertise : History of Islam; Islamic Heritage; medieval history.
Latest publications :
- CORREIA Fernando Branco, "The Life of Eva-Maria von Kemnitz", The Hand of Fatima - The Khamsa in the Arab-Islamic World, Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, Volume 170, Leiden - Boston, BRILL, 2022, p. XIV-XVIII.
- CORREIA Fernando Branco, MACIAS Santiago, Portugal, uma retrospectiva : 929, vol. IV, Lisboa, Tinta da China, 2022.
- CORREIA Fernando Branco, "Elvas", dans Santiago MACIAS (ed.), Duarte Darmas, do cálamo ao drone, MultiCulti-Culturas do Mediterrâneo Ed., 2021, p. 47-54.

Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora, Département du Paysage, Environnement et Aménagement, CHAIA – Centre d’Histoire de l’Art et Investigation Artistique
Expertise: Landscape and garden theory.
Latest publications:
- VOLZONE Rolando, FONTES João Luís Inglês, CARAPINHA Aurora da Conceição Parreira, “Toward the reconstruction of sacred medieval spatialities: Multiscale analysis of the system of eremitical landscapes in southern Portugal from historical records”, Historical Archaeology, 57(2), 2023, p. 764-787.
- FREIRE Maria, CARAPINHA Aurora, Criação de uma estrutura Inovadora para o Ensino da Arquitetura Paisagística na Europa, Ciência 2022 – Encontro com a ciência e tecnologia em Portugal, Centro de Congresso de Lisboa, 2022.
- CARAPINHA Aurora, "Sucursal do Paraíso: Libro del principio de la belleza y fin de la sabidúria que trata de los fundamentos da arte de la agricultura, de Ibn Luyun", Uma História de Jardins - A Arte dos Jardins na Tratadística e na Literatura, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal e Caleidoscópio, CHAIA, 2016, p. 4-60.
- CARAPINHA Aurora, "The Creation of an Urban Landscape", Adaptive reuse, the modern movement toward the future, 14th international conference proceedings, Do_co.mo.mo international, Lisboa (indexed by SCOPUS), 2016.

Grade: Professor (HDR)
Institution: Universidade de Évora - Département d’Histoire. Centre de Recherches : CIDEHUS - Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Histoire, Cultures et Sociétés de l’Université d’Évora. Collaboratrice du CEHR – Centre d’Études d’Histoire Religieuse de l’Université Catholique Portugaise. Laboratoire HERCULES - Patrimoine Culturel, Études et Sauvegarde. Laboratoire LEM-CERCOR (Laboratoire d’Études sur les Monothéismes – Centre Européen de Recherche sur les Communautés, Congrégations et Ordres Religieux – Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne).
Expertise: Religious history and female monasticism (early modern period) ; heritage and material culture ; military engineering and architecture heritage (early modern period).
Latest publications:
- CONDE Antónia Fialho, “La géstion del água en Évora en la época moderna. Vias de investigación”, dans Juan Manuel MATÉS-BARCO, Ana Cardoso de MATOS, Maria Ana BERNARDO (eds.), Control y usos del agua en la península ibérica: perspectivas diversificadas a largo plazo, Madrid, Silex, 2023, p. 101-119.
- CONDE Antónia Fialho, “O regime alimentar da população monástica em S. Bento de Cástris, uma dieta mediterrânica?”, dans Antónia Fialho CONDE, Sofia ALEIXO, Teresa FERREIRA (dir.), Conventualidades: Representações e vestígios do quotidiano, 2023.
- CONDE Antónia Fialho, “Projets, Strategie et circulation du savoir : le processus d’implantation des constructions militaires sur les territoires à l’époque moderne”, Quaderns d’Historia de l’Enginyeria, Centre de recerca per a la Història de la Tècnica "Francesc Santponç i Roca". Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). Càtedra UNESCO de Tècnica i Cultura de la UPC, Vol. XXI, 2023, p. 1-15.
- CONDE Antónia Fialho, DIOGO Maria Paula, “Luís Serrão Pimentel. Manuel de Azevedo Fortes. A construção da engenharia militar portuguesa”, dans Ana SIMÕES, Marta LOURENÇO, José Alberto SILVA (coords.), História da Ciência, Tecnologia e Medicina na Construção de Portugal. Razão e Progresso, século XVIII, Lisboa, Tinta da China, Vol. 2, 2021, p. 127-148.

Maria da Luz SAMPAIO
Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora - École de Sciences Sociales-Département d’Histoire. Centre de Recherches : CIDEHUS - Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Histoire, Cultures et Sociétés de l’Université d’Évora.
Expertise: Heritage and technical and industrial history, history of industry; history of Civil Engineering; history of gas and electricity; material culture and museums.
Latest publications:
- SAMPAIO Maria da Luz, “Book Review: Maria Elvira Callapez, Sara Marques da Cruz, Vânia Carvalho, eds. (2023), Plasticity - a History of Plastics in Portugal. Leiria: Município de Leiria, Museu de Leiria”, HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology, 17(1), june 2023, p. 55-58.
- CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, BUSSOLA Diego, SAMPAIO Maria da Luz, “Entrepreneurial Iniciatives; Foreign Investmet and Marketing in the implementation of gas services in the portugueses cities during the second half of the nineteenth century”, dans Ana CARDOSO DE MATOS, Alexandre FERNANDEZ, Jesús PINTO TORTOSA (eds.), The Gas Sector in Latin Europe’s Industrial Hostory: Lighting and Heating the World, Berlin, Collection : Frontiers in Economic History, Springer, 2023, p. 55-68.
- SAMPAIO Maria da Luz, “O Abastecimento de Água ao domicílio na cidade do Porto e em Vila Nova de Gaia: a municipalização, a gestão urbana e a modernização das cidades (1887-1970)”, dans Juan Manuel MATÉS-BARCO, Maria Ana BERNARDO, Ana CARDOSO DE MATOS, Ramiro Dominguez HERNANZ (eds), La Gestión de Água en la Peninsula Ibérica (siglosXIX-XX), Silexediciones.com, 2023, p. 327-356.
- CARDOSO DE MATOS Ana, SAMPAIO Maria da Luz, « La vie des objets techniques et industriels : le cas de la machine à coudre », dans Ana CARDOSO DE MATOS, Giovanni Luigi FONTANA, Valérie NÈGRE, Trajectoires des matériaux et des objets : usages, transformations et réemplois, Belfort, Université de technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, 2022, p. 24-40.

Paula Maria SIMÕES
Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora, Département du paysage, de l’environnement et de l’aménagement, CHAIA - Centre d'Histoire de l'Art et Investigation Artistique.
Expertise: Arts and techniques of the landscape, landscape design, the process of landscape transformation (identity and heritage), landscape as a system (ecological, social, economic).
Latest publications:
- SIMÕES Paula Maria, SOUSA MATOS Rute, COSTA Pedro Machado, CASTRO Conceiçao, FERREIRA Pedro Trindade, "Green and Blue Infrastructures as a Model of Sustainable Urban Planning – Landscape Design for Praça De Espanha in Lisbon – Portugal", dans Hassan ABDALLA, Hugo RODRIGUES, Vimal GAHLOT, Mohammad SALAH UDDIN, Tomohiro FUKUDA (eds.), Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, Berlin, Springer, Cham, Suíça, 2022, p. 215-228.
- SILVA Susana, SIMÕES Paula Maria, "Caminhar e desenhar como síntese da paisagem: a linguagem do desenho como processo de síntese no ensino da arquitectura paisagista", PSIAX, 2020.
- SOUSA MATOS Rute, SIMÕES Paula Maria, "Holistic approach in Integrated Landscape Design – Case Study for Montalvão Urban Park at Castelo Branco – Portugal", MOKRYS M., BADURA S., LIESKOVSKY A. (eds), Anais da 4ª Conferência Virtual Internacional (SCIECONF 2017), EDIS - Publishing (Universidade de Zilina, Eslováquia República), 2017.
- SOUSA MATOS Rute, SIMÕES Paula Maria, “Contemporary landscapes: A case study of Rabaçal Castle – Penela – Portugal”, dans MOKRYS M., BADURA Stefan, LIESKOVSKY A. (eds), Anais da Conferência Virtual Ciências Humanas e Sociais na Conferência Comum – A 5ª Ciências Humanas e Sociais na Conferência Comum, HASSAC 2017, EDIS - Publishing (Universidade de Zilina, República Eslovaca), 2017.

Grade: Professor
Institution: Universidade de Évora, Département du paysage, de l’environnement et de l’aménagement, CHAIA - Centre d'Histoire de l'Art et Investigation Artistique
Expertise: Arts and techniques of the landscape, multifunctionality of landscape in urban space; identity and landscape in emerging countries; complementarity between the city and the countryside; urban gardens; new realities and urban challenges.
Latest publications:
- SOUSA MATOS Rute, “Namúli Mount, the Identity and the Landscape of Gurué”, Medicon Engineering Themes, 2, 2022, p. 37-42.
- SOUSA MATOS Rute, “Da Paisagem e do Vinho”, dans CUPETO Carlos (eds.), Vinho, Arte & Ciência – A História que Não Acaba, Centro de Ciência Viva de Estremoz, Estremoz, Portugal, 2022, p. 43-60.
- CARVALHO Archer de, RAPOSO Mauro, PINTO-GOMES Carlos, SOUSA MATOS Rute, “Native or Exotic: A Bibliographical Review of the Debate on Ecological Science Methodologies: Valuable Lessons for Urban Green Space Design”, Land, 11, 1201, 2022.
- SIMÕES Paula Maria, SOUSA MATOS Rute, COSTA Pedro Machado, CASTRO Conceiçao, FERREIRA Pedro Trindade, “Green and Blue Infrastructures as a Model of Sustainable Urban Planning – Landscape Design for Praça De Espanha in Lisbon – Portugal”, dans Hassan ABDALLA, Hugo RODRIGUES, Vimal GAHLOT, Mohammad SALAH UDDIN, Tomohiro FUKUDA (eds.), Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, Berlin, Springer, Cham, Suíça, p. 215-228.